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iSkysoft » Support » Sales FAQs » What payment methods can I choose from?

What payment methods can I choose from?

Last Revised: 2013-04-17 14:33:58

You can use of the payment methods below to purchase iSkysoft products.

Credit Card: Credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, Visa Check Card, American Express, Discover, Eurocard and MasterMoney are available. As long as an order is processed successfully, you'll receive a confirmation email regard to your order. This method is recommended because you won't receive a confirmation email immediately using other payment methods until we confirm the payment.

Bank/Wire Transfer: Depending on your location, once you click "Place Your Order", a window will open and gives you detailed instructions to finish your order. European customers will receive an invoice by postal mail so they can use the invoice to pay by bank/wire transfer or GIRO.

Check/Money Order: Once you click "Place Your Order", a window will open and shows you how to complete your order. You'll need to send a check or money order to the address given on the final step. Once we receive your funds, you're able to finish the registration.

Fax - Credit Card: Once you click "Place Your Order", a window will open and shows you how to complete your order. You'll see the fax number at the bottom of the final page. We'll process your order as long as we receive the information you've provided.

Invoice: Once you click "Place Your Order", a window will open and shows you how to place an order with invoice. You'll get a printable invoice in your web browser when you submit your order. You need to print the invoice and remit payment to the address provided on the invoice.

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